Neighbors for Perry

What did they need?

A new candidate entering the race for a Minneapolis City Council seat needed a quick ramp-up of their website and Contact Resource Management system. They also wanted to apply a consistent look across materials, including regular emails.

What did I do?

After evaluating platforms to address the various web-based needs of the campaign, I selected and built out a full site using NationBuilder - a platform designed to integrate with social media, mailing lists, public voter registration data, and real-time metrics from each.

I created email templates and generated weekly mass mailings.

Who did I work with?

I worked with the candidate directly to report engagement statistics, the campaign manager to coordinate data and content strategy, and writers to create the campaign email letters.

What did I learn?

This was an opportunity to explore the features of NationBuilder as a tool for political campaigns. I was also able to contrast some of its CMS features with the more robust Drupal platform and the more user-friendly WordPress.

Technology used:Responsible for:

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